Our Story

Trudy Susan, Founder
Ruby Rae Society

In the Ruby Rae Society, we're raising kids who are conscious, curious, and confident citizens of the world.

Imagine a world where Black kids are taught from an early age to embrace their natural features and respect other cultures. A world where kids understand how to communicate with each other, and have the self-awareness to be purposeful with their words because words matter.

A society where its citizens:

  • remain in constant pursuit of knowledge and understanding
  • always strive to show up in the world as the best version of themselves
  • celebrate diversity and demand inclusion for all 

That's where the Ruby Rae Society began – in my imagination.

And now I've created it. 

Childhood and mommyhood aren't easy. As mindful moms, we do all we can to protect our kids, teach them how to make connections, show them how to love and accept others. There's no manual for the perfect parenting process — however, I had a great example.

Growing up, my mom taught me four principles that I am passing down to my little one: 

  • Always be proud of and embrace our Ghanaian heritage; 
  • Love all parts of herself; 
  • Trust her low whisper of intuition to make confident decisions.
  • Know that no job or competition is complete until she has given her very best effort.  

In ways big and small, my mom taught me how vital it is that every child grows up feeling supported, affirmed, and intellectually challenged.

She provided the foundation for me to build my self-confidence, taught me how to express love and empathy, fearlessly take calculated risks, and follow my passions as an entrepreneur.

In this world of social learning, where Black kids and allies are absorbing behaviors and motivations from sources created to keep us down – I wanted to empower their greatest teacher: Mom.  

The Ruby Rae Society is where mindful parents raising kids as global citizens, access diverse educational games and gifts to play, and learn in a purposeful and uplifting way.

Our Story